Anime Review - Wistoria: Wand and Sword - Episode 1

Thanks to my brother for recommending this show. I pretty much like everything about it, so far at least. It's got the magic, the swords, the whole shabang. The character designs and animation are top tier. Sound stage is also good. The world building is interesting so far with a good setting. We've also got the secretly over-powered underdog main character, Will Serfort.
This guy is trying to become a Magia Vander, the strongest of mages, but he can't cast anything. Instead of changing his goals, he decides to hunt monsters for Hogwarts credits in order to stay enrolled. Without the ability to wield magic, he opts for swordsmanship with the help of his over powered physical abilities. Solid premise so far. Let's see if he can hack his way to the top, assuming he doesn't just learn magic later on.
The fight scene against the level 10 was so good and the sneak peak for episode 2 suggests he goes up againts the snobby teacher too. I'm looking forward to see if he's just over powered or if he's over over powered.